Are they right for your marketing strategy

Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook… it seems that almost every social media platform has a feature called stories. Get ready because Pinterest has developed its type of stories. They are different from the rest.

Pinterest is a popular social media platform that users use to solve their problems and find inspiration for upcoming projects. This is not the same as Instagram or Facebook, where users update their networks about their daily activities and share selfies with their friends. Pinterest pins are often recipes, guides, or links to blog posts, products, etc. When using regular pins, the image and the text (if any) are all that is needed to grab the attention of the consumer. When the image is clicked on, more information is displayed, and there’s often a link to delve deeper into the topic.

Social network management has an opportunity here. Why not use the entire screen to engage someone while they scroll through competing images?

Overview of Pinterest Stories

It’s a Pinterest story, but they also have other fun features! They not only offer the features listed above, but they also take up prime “real estate” on Pinterest’s interface. These pins are displayed at the top of the feed and also appear in the search results, Today tab, and the meal. They receive more attention than a standard stagnant pin.

Pinterest’s visual discovery engine, which searches for similar pins based on how they look, is also a great benefit to stories. Pinterest stories also have a lot of room for creatives. There is plenty of space to create eye-catching and engaging posts with the 20 total slides. Pinterest suggests that five slides is the ideal number of slides to use, even though there are 20 slides available. This is a great way to keep a customer interested without having them wait too long.

Stories were designed to make information more digestible for Pinterest users. Stories are great for quick guides and recipes with only three ingredients. The time element is one feature that sets Pinterest Stories apart from other social media stories. Instagram Stories allows users to post “in real-time” and engage their audience. However, the content is only available for 24 hours. Pinterest Stories have a completely different purpose. The Pinterest user wants to find answers. The images can be posted indefinitely, as there is no “expiry date.”

You may now be wondering whether Pinterest Stories is a good option for your Pinterest Business account. If you find any of these appealing for your brand’s model, then there are great features to explore.

  • You want to make it easy for your customers to interact with your content
  • There is no reason to link to Stories if you do not have a blog to which you link often.
  • Do you want to add multiple links to a post
  • You want to include multi-media content
  • Keep consumers’ attention longer
  • You want to simplify the previous pin content and highlight it.

Pinterest Stories may not be necessary at this time for your business if none of the above resonates with your account model.

Best Practices for Pinterest Stories

Here are some tips to help you get the most out of Pinterest Stories.

  • Use high-quality videos or images
  • Content that inspires action is the best way to ensure your content.
  • Add relevant link(s) (if applicable)
  • Use clear and relevant text

Wrapping up

Your audience will determine whether or not you choose to use Pinterest Stories. Referring to your Pinterest Business Hub, you can develop a marketing strategy based on the type of content that your target audience engages with. Pinterest Stories could be the key to creating an interactive experience for your customers. You won’t know unless you or your agency give it a try!

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